Essential Discourse With Bruce Smith
This is the podcast that addresses various aspects of life from a Relevant, Restorative, and Reliable point of view. Additionally, I believe deploying Facts in conjunction with Faith-based knowledge is ESSENTIAL for establishing, maturing, and maintaining healthy intrapersonal and interpersonal relationships. I seek to address all topics head-on, honestly, and thoughtfully, without any hidden agendas, with the intent to engage, encourage, and enlighten listeners through public DISCOURSE.
25 episodes
Understanding Swine Mentality To Protect Your Pearls
In this episode of The Essential Discourse Podcast, host Bruce Smith delves into navigating relationships with "swine-minded" individuals, a concept derived from the biblical sermon of not casting pearls before swine. He passionately articulate...
Season 2
Episode 11

Being Intentional In 2025
Welcome to the Essential Discourse Podcast! I'm your host, Bruce Smith, and I'm thrilled to kick off our first episode of 2025 with you. Have you ever heard, "It's not how you start; it's how you finish?" That may be true. However,...
Season 2
Episode 10

Stop OverThinking: Break Free
Ever catch yourself spiraling into a black hole of 'what ifs' and endless doubt? Trust me, you're not alone. Today, we're diving headfirst into the all-too-common struggle of overthinking!Hey everyone! Welcome back to The Essential Disc...
Season 2
Episode 9

The Unspoken Grief Associated with the Grieving Process
Welcome to another powerful episode of The Essential Discourse Podcast. I’m your host, Bruce Smith, and today, we're tackling a topic that's often overlooked but deeply impactful: the grief associated with grieving. In this episode, we're going...
Season 2
Episode 8

Self Care Is Essential
Welcome to the Essential Discourse Podcast! In today's episode, we're diving deep into a topic that hits home for many of us: the struggle with frustration and anger. Have you ever found yourself overwhelmed by stress, unable to control the thi...
Season 2
Episode 7

Unmasking Manhood: Insights on Responsibility & Maturity from a 16-Year-Old's Perspective
Welcome back to Essential Discourse with Bruce Smith, the podcast that dives deep into the complexities of real life and offers transformative dialogue. I'm your host, Bruce Smith, and today we have a special guest joining us, 16-year-old high ...
Season 2
Episode 6

What Is A Man? Part 2: The Origin of a Man.
In this episode of Essential Discourse Podcast, host Bruce Smith takes a personal and engaging approach to exploring the question of what defines a man from the aspect of the origin of man. He highlights the dangers of modeling ourselves ...
Season 2
Episode 5

What Is A Man? Part 1_Introduction
Beyond the Provider, Protector, and Producer: A Holistic View of ManhoodOn this episode of Essential Discourse Podcast, host Bruce Smith seeks to answer the age-old question: "What is a Man?" Despite receiving fewer responses tha...
Season 2
Episode 4

Internal Conflict
As professionals and collective people, we all are taught conflict resolution. You can conduct a Google Search for conflict resolution and find a plethora of articles, self-education courses, etcetera concerning the subject matter by world-reno...
Season 2
Episode 3

Time to End Hypocritical Condemnation
It never ceases to amaze me how older people, particularly "church folk" with vast experiential knowledge act as if they've always been as mature as they are currently. As if they've always been PERFECT.
Season 2
Episode 2

Life Insurance: What We Should Know & Understand
This one thing is certain, he, her, them, they, you, and I will eventually die. There's no escaping this fact. Have you prepared for this appointment? Have you prepared to ensure that your spouse/partner and immediate family will be financia...
Season 2
Episode 1

Political Maturity 2
The Mid-Term Election is nearly over. Excluding Georgia's Senate runoff, the control of the Legislative Branch of the Federal Government has been decided. Many states' leadership positions, governor, Lt. Governo...

Love Misconceptions
One of the biggest hindrances to establishing and maintaining healthy relationships is "Misconceptions". A misconception is defined as a view or opinion that is incorrect because it is based on faulty thinking or understanding. <...
Episode 11

Genuine Gratitude
So often, we tend to overlook acts of kindness. Acts that meet a specific need in our lives. A kind word, a smile, the sharing of information, and etcetera are a few examples of this. The danger in this is, if we continue to...
Episode 10

Properly Managing Disappointment
Disappointment is an unavoidable adversary to every human being. Disappointment, unchecked, clouds one’s judgment, attitude, and perspective of not only his/her life but also limits his/her ability to fellowship with other humans. F...
Episode 9

College...Is It Worth It? 🤷🏾♂️
The cost of education has increased by as much as 19% over the last ten years. A Bachelor's Degree is as helpful as a High School Diploma. Everyone knows at least three people who attended and graduated college who aren't working in their field...
Episode 8

Episode 7 Friends V Frenemies
Words have meanings. Unfortunately, many of us give no thought to the words that fall off our lips. Specifically, the titles we place upon people. Titles given and not earned. One such word is #Friend. What do you actu...
Episode 7

The Problem With Truth?
In the day and age we currently live in, some would have you believe TRUTH can be altered. Almost no one has an issue with their personalized versions of the truth. However, nearly everyone takes exception to the complete and in-context truth.&...
Episode 6

Money! Money!! Money!!
In this episode of the Essential Discourse, we complete our two-part series. As you can see by the Episode Title, our Discourse is about money. Specifically, how each of us can be better stewards of this resource. We define two key...
Season 1
Episode 5

You Have A Limited Amount of Time: Are You Maximizing or Waste It?
This is part 1 of a 2-part series, we want to address two resources that seem to be in short supply for many of us. For the purposes of today’s episode, Time is the resource we are focusing on. Time as a resource is of a limited q...
Season 1
Episode 4

Political Maturity: Our Quality of Life Depends Upon It's Application
The 2022 election cycle is upon us. And, Election 2024 will be here momentarily. Are you ready? Do you know what the candidates' platforms are? There is too much on the line for you not to know. A position of political maturit...
Episode 3

Radio Talk
We had the pleasure of interviewing Monroe Louisiana radio personality Damian "Grave Digga" Harris. Grave Digga shared some of the highs and lows of his 25-year career with us. Grave Digga gave us insight into the music industry, pitfalls, rela...
Season 1
Episode 0

The Adult Children Speak- ( The Follow Up to Parenting Adult Children)
An insightful and reflective review of the content presented in Episode 1 "Parenting Adult Children". Here, in Episode 2, we hear from the Adult Children's Perspectives. Let me tell you, I'm a better person and father as a result of this ...
Season 1
Episode 2

Parenting Adult Children
Just as no one provided you with an instruction manual specific to your baby, toddler, tween, and or teen, no one taught us how to parent our individual adult children. This has been a daunting task for many of us. A task we really do not discu...
Season 1
Episode 1