Essential Discourse With Bruce Smith
Essential Discourse With Bruce Smith
Political Maturity: Our Quality of Life Depends Upon It's Application
The 2022 election cycle is upon us. And, Election 2024 will be here momentarily. Are you ready? Do you know what the candidates' platforms are? There is too much on the line for you not to know. A position of political maturity ensures that our needs are and will continue to be met.
Our, (Black, White, Male, Female, and any other descriptive you identify as or with) progression as an ethnic, social-economic class of people relies on our ability to make intelligent nonpartisan decisions that will impact our communities the way we desire.
Being united in pursuit of solutions for our common issues is how we overthrow our common enemy by making use of the full weight of the ballot. Take race and emotion out of the equation and you have a group of people who have the same needs and desires. Affordable health care, livable wedges, a better future for ourselves and our children, communal safety, and the assurance that our elected officials operate in accordance with the will of the people.
For too long we allowed what differentiates us to prevent us from being united against our true enemy. That enemy is greed and power accumulated by one group of people whose only goal is to grow their wealth and the wealth of their friends while keeping us (poor people) divided and powerless. We have the power to correct this if we exercise Political Maturity.
This episode features commentary from the DL Hughley Radio Show and George Carlin’s 2005 interview.
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Bruce S.
@BruceDaTruth2 [Instagram, Facebook, and TikTok]
@EssentialDiscoursePodcastMedia [YouTube]