Essential Discourse With Bruce Smith

Political Maturity 2

Bruce Smith, Jr.

The Mid-Term Election is nearly over.    

Excluding Georgia's Senate runoff, the control of the Legislative Branch of the Federal Government has been decided. Many states' leadership positions, governor, Lt. Governor, Attorney General, and others have been decided. 

What role did you play? Were you an active participant? Were you one of the millions of citizens who choose to sit this one out? These are all reflective questions. Regardless of how you answer the question, Political Maturity or the lack thereof was on full display. 

Many people exercise their power to identify problems, talk about these problems, and verbally rail against the systems and elected officials. Beyond the talk, beyond the insults, beyond repeating what you've been programmed to believe on FOX, CNN and etc., what actions have any of us taken to bring about the change we say we want? 

Political Maturity 2 revisits the episode I published in Feb 2022. This episode got a resounding 17 downloads (LOL). Many of the things seen during this cycle were discussed in detail in the episode. I encourage you all the actually listen to it. This, Political Maturity 2 isn't that. This episode highlights the consequential effects on the majority ( the working poor) that continues to reign supreme as a result of the majority's ignorance (intentional or unintentional), callousness, divisive nature, distracted mindsets, and disregard for the process. Without Political Maturity, there can be no community ownership, group economics, or community power because there is no unity among the majority..."The Working Poor".

This podcast cast episode is 47 minutes long. 47 minutes of truth you may not want.  However, this truth is what we desperately need.       

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Bruce S.
@BruceDaTruth2 [Instagram, Facebook, and TikTok]
@EssentialDiscoursePodcastMedia [YouTube]