Essential Discourse With Bruce Smith

Understanding Swine Mentality To Protect Your Pearls

Bruce Smith, Jr. Season 2 Episode 11

In this episode of The Essential Discourse Podcast, host Bruce Smith delves into navigating relationships with "swine-minded" individuals, a concept derived from the biblical sermon of not casting pearls before swine. He passionately articulates that swine-minded people are unappreciative, willfully ignorant, and often unrepentant about taking advantage of others' generosity. Through personal anecdotes and relatable scenarios, Bruce guides listeners in identifying such individuals and offers practical solutions to preserve their peace and maintain healthy boundaries. Join the conversation as Bruce explores the fine line between helping those in need and setting limits with those who refuse to change, all while emphasizing the importance of being led to help rather than obligated by personal duty. This episode promises to resonate with anyone who has ever struggled with the challenges of giving and feeling appreciated in their relationships.

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Bruce S.
@BruceDaTruth2 [Instagram, Facebook, and TikTok]
@EssentialDiscoursePodcastMedia [YouTube]

Hey. Hey. Hey. Hey. Hey. Everybody. Everybody. Hey. We're back. Week two. Week two of the essential discourse nightcap. Week two. And, I want to start off by saying thank you to everyone who joined last week, everyone who participated in the conversation, everyone who shared, who, followed since, our initial, livestream, I wanna say thank you. Thank you so very much. It is impossible to be effective in reaching as many people as I desire to reach without your support, without your intentional effort into sharing this, podcast, this, nightcap, the blog, the website with people on your social media feeds by word-of-mouth. It is impossible to reach the masses without your help, and I really wanna say thank you for your support. Hey. Happy belated Valentine's Day to everybody. Everybody, happy belated Valentine's Day. If you weren't a Valentine's, to a particular person, well, just let me say, you are a Valentine's to the significant being that really matters. Yeah. You know who him be. You know who him be. Yeah. You know who him be. Him love you with an everlasting love. So even if you were by yourself on Valentine's, you weren't by yourself. You understand what I'm saying. So I'm hoping everyone, whether you were with someone or you were not with someone, you had a memorable time. You had a time as the mind as the, gift says. I hope that you had a time. I hope you had a good time. A good safe time. Yeah. So what was what were what were the takeaways from last week? Well, takeaways from last week were, people wanted to hear about self wealth. I'm not I'm sorry. Not self wealth, but generational wealth, wealth being, how to date your spouse, and some other things of that nature. And we're going to get with that. We're gonna get with that. I think those are conversations that can be best had when there is a quote, unquote subject matter expert available to be on the live stream with us, and we can we can ask questions and listen, to what they have to say. I'm I'm currently working on that. So that is common. Please continue to, make your suggestions known. Make, the topics that you're interested known so that we can address those things and make it happen, captain. You know what I mean? Shout out shout out shout out to Georgia. Georgia told me that they would be in the house, so I'm looking forward to seeing them pop on the screen and make some comments. I heard Louisiana, might be on the stream, and I'm looking forward to them popping on the screen and making comments. And, of course, to the great state of Tex House, Tejas, Texas, the lone star. I want to thank you guys for, coming in to the stream and being proactive and being engaged as well. And if I'm missing any states, wherever you're wherever you're viewing from, go ahead and type in where you're viewing from, man, and we could acknowledge you. A little bit of housekeeping. We were supposed to be streaming to, TikTok as well, but as I was checking the stat this, status, something went wrong. So right now, we're only we're only, streaming to, Facebook, and we're only streaming to YouTube. I plan on having that rectified, before next Saturday when we shall come together again. Just trying to give, a few more folk a few more folk, a little opportunity to get in here before we get started. We're gonna move, as quickly as we need to move in dealing with the subject matter at hand. And, I think this is gonna be beneficial, for all of us. I know it was beneficial for me as I was preparing, to present this to, you all tonight. So many times so many times, we end up being frustrated. We end up being angry. We end up being dejected, depressed amongst other emotions. When we are genuinely trying to help other people in their situations, we, put our best foot forward, it seems. And the people that we're trying to help oftentimes seems as if they have taken a seat while we're putting our best foot forward. And that don't make no sense. And you end up, putting forth all this effort, providing all these resources, to help someone who will not help themselves. Yeah. And it goes off just like a bomb when you finally catch the revelation. When you finally catch the revelation, you you realize that you have spent all of this time, all of these resources, helping somebody who actually wanted you to do the thing that they needed help with without any accountability or responsibility in the matter. Yeah. So, Matthew seven and six. This is part of, Jesus's Sermon on the Mount. I promise you I'm not gonna preach to you. I will teach a little bit if you allow me. But Matthew seven and six, around that b clause of that verse, Jesus tells, the listeners, the multitude, don't cast your pearls among the swine. Don't cast your pearls among the swines. And he's basically saying, and I'm paraphrasing. I'm paraphrasing now. Jesus is basically saying, say because, don't be doing all that for them folk, man. Because, man, they don't care. They they do not care. Stop. Don't do that. Don't don't give your valuables to folk who don't care anything about what you doing. Not only do they not care anything about what you doing, they don't care nothing about you. They don't care nothing about you. They don't care nothing about your feelings. They don't care nothing about, the the motives in which you're doing it. So stop giving valuables, your valuables, the things that you have been trusted entrusted with, the things that you have been made a steward over. Stop giving these things to folk who don't care. Folk who who sit down when you're trying to help them. Folk who go backwards when you're trying to motivate them or push them or pull them forward. Hey. Just stop. Stop. That what Jesus was saying. Jesus says, hey, because. Hey. Hey. Hey. Say say listen to them, mate. Mate, let let me tell you now. That don't make no sense what you're doing. Don't make no sense. They don't care. They're not interested. They only want what you can provide. They don't they don't they don't want to learn the lessons of how they can provide for themselves. They they interested in learning how to fish so they can catch fish so they can eat. They want you to go catch that fish. They want you to scale it. They want you to filet it. They want you to season it. They want you to batter it. They want you to fry it. They want you to put it on their plate. They want you to sprinkle a little hot sauce on it and, mix up that that tartar sauce and that lemon juice, and they want you to cut that filet, put it on the fork, and put it in their mouths. Not only do they want you to do all that, they want you to grab their mouth and do the chewing action for them. Them. Stop doing that. That is what Jesus is basically saying in Matthew seven and six, that B clause. Now, how does that relate to us? That's the question. How does that relate to us from a practical standpoint today? Well, if you've been listening, that answer has already been expounded upon. But, you know, some of us, it takes us a little longer to catch the revelation. So, what I've done is I have developed a few talking points, and for a few minutes we're gonna talk about those. Should you have any questions or should you have any statements, please, please, please, please go ahead and chime in on those comments. Alright? And before I do that, let me also, give you the opportunity to copy down that cue code right there. This is a way that you can support the podcast by buying me a coffee, buying me a coffee, and every dollar, every quarter, every nickel, dime, penny that you donate to the podcast will be put back into the podcast, invested back into the podcast to make it better, To be able to upgrade equipment, and perhaps, maybe even compensate people for their time for appearing on the podcast. So every little bit helps. If you want to, help the podcast, support it monetarily, that's it right there. Scan that cue code that cue code, and that will give you an opportunity to buy me a coffee as a means of supporting the podcast. Now, let's get into the nitty gritty of tonight's, nightcap. Shall we? So the Ascension Discourse night cap, we are live streaming and we are talking about placing pearls before par, before swine. Placing pearls before swine. That is what we are discussing and let's let's let's get into this. Let's get into this real good. There you go. We're casting pearls before swine. And as I just told you, Jesus paraphrase was just basically telling the people who had came to the mountain to hear him preach the Sermon on the Mount, you know, stop doing all this stuff for folk who don't have any interest in learning, who don't have any interest in becoming better, who don't have any interest in actually doing things, learning to do things for themselves, so they're not dependent upon other people, or become a burden to other people, stop doing all this stuff. Stop doing it. And, and that that that has a a place in our society, today. That has a huge place, practical, place in our society today. So let's look. Let's define swine in context. Let's define swine in context. Swine, as as you heard me mention earlier, these are folk who don't care. These are folk who will not accept accountability. These are folks who will not accept responsibility. It's always somebody else's fault that they're in the predicament that they're in. It's always somebody else's fault. It's never their actions. It's always their fault. It's it's these these are the folk who who come up and give you a sob story every three to six months. Right? And all the time you hear from these people is when they want something. You know, these are the people who expect their needs to be your emergency. Yeah. Those are those are the swine. These are the people who you offer advice to, and it it goes in one ear and out the same ear. It doesn't even have a chance to penetrate. It doesn't even have a chance to to get to the brain, so that it can go out the other ear. Now, you know that somebody who ain't who ain't listening, who who who doesn't care anything about the wisdom of the advice that you're giving to them. This is swine. This is a swine mentality. Swine mentality. These are the folk who will, come to you with a problem. Right? And maybe as a good friend, as a good friend, you tell them, well, the common denominator in all your problems is you. What what what is your role in the situation? And they get defensive, and they get mad. And now you all kinda mother b's and SOB's, and you you nasty, big back, stank, hamburger, onion smelling, and all this other stuff. You you all this other stuff for simply pointing out the truth that, hey, the common denominator with Jerry, the common denominator with, Chick fil A, the common denominator over there at Walmart before we started protesting, the the common den denominator over there at, at at Food City, at at at Brookshire's, at at at Piggly Weaving. The common denominator where all your issues is you, and not a upset because you didn't participate in the pity party. You didn't participate in the in in in cosigning on the sob story. You told them the truth. You asked them a confrontational question, and now they're hot. These are swine mentalities. And don't get me wrong, I don't I don't ever wanna call I don't ever wanna be accused of calling people out of their names, but we are given a name to that mentality. This is swine mentality. I don't care about any of the accountability, responsibility aspects of the problems or the issues of the circumstances that I'm dealing with. All I care about is what I can get from you to rectify the situation that I'm in. I ain't gonna listen. I care less about, you know, you you giving me advice and you point me in the right direction. I want you to do it for me, and I wanna reap the benefits of you doing it. This, ladies and gentlemen, is the definition of swine. Swine mentality. And if you got it, I'd appreciate it if you type, I got it. But we're moving on. We're moving on. So who qualifies themselves as swine? Well, we pretty much answered that question. No, we pretty much answered the question, but I want to go with that first. Who qualifies themselves? Yeah. That is a rhetorical question. That is a rhetorical question because you, you are the first person to realize that, that I'm, I'm, I'm swine. I'm, I, I got a swine mentality, you know, I, I, I'm down here in this slop, the slop of my circumstances by my choice, but I want somebody else to pull me out of this slop. Yeah. You qualified yourself for swine mentality. You're hard headed. You know? I I can't nobody tell me nothing. I'm grown. I'm a minded business that mind that pays me. Well, yeah. Where did they get you? You know? I put my pants on just like just like he do. Who he think he is? You know what I mean? Swine mentality. Swine mentality. So, this is this is a a a a a a horrible mindset to have. It's a horrible mindset to have because now, you're making yourself a person that nobody wants to be around. Nobody in their right mind. Nobody who comes to themselves. You understand what I'm saying? Nobody who comes to themselves and and and they realize, man, I've been doing this, this, and this. I've tried this, this, and this. I I gave you this, this, and this, and you are not getting any better. And when they come to themselves, they come to their right minds, they they they don't wanna have nothing to do with you. But then again, when that when that when that when that time comes, it's never your fault. It's somebody else's fault. So this is what qualifies an individual as swine or having swine mentality. You know, it's it's it's like a probate mind, man. I can't tell you nothing. You ain't gonna change. Oh, here's here's a prime example. You know, we all got family members who are just nasty individuals. Right? We all got family members who are just nasty individuals. They they ruin, the atmosphere at at family gatherings. They say stuff that's off the wall. And instead of correcting them because folk don't wanna make a scene, folk don't wanna make stuff worse, they they pacify by saying, oh, you know that's how she is. Oh, that's how he is. Yeah. He a hot mess. His swine mentality is what he is and you need to speak to that because I don't want to be miserable or having to avoid places just because you're there and I shouldn't have to, and I'm not going to, I am at an age now where I'll speak to that stuff and say what I mean and mean what I say, and we ain't got to fall out about it, but you're going to know. You feel me? So, that those are those are the individuals who qualify themselves as being of a swine mentality. And, it's not anything that that you or I put up on these people. This is all because of their behavior. Their behavior tells off on them. Their behavior tells the story. The pattern of their behavior tells the story. All we're doing is putting two and two together and getting four. Don't get mad because I can do I I can I can do a simple addition or simple subtraction? Five minus three is two. Don't get mad because I can do simple math and and understand what it is. Yeah. Don't don't don't don't try to don't try to, you know, sway other people's positions about me or or or perceptions about me because of your piss poor behavior. I didn't mean to say that, but I said it. So let me go ahead and say it with my chest because of your piss poor behavior. Now you mad at the world and you're trying to get everybody else to to join this, this, this, this pity party that you're having swine mentality, swine mentality. I've been told the truth about myself. I know the truth about myself, but I won't do anything to change it. Swine mentality. So here here's, here's some, here's some, here's some characteristics of a person with swine mentality. The unappreciative, They don't appreciate anything or anyone. For the long term, they don't. You know? My light bill do okay. He goes how much is it? $75 where he go $75 go pay your light bill. It. Yeah. They're appreciative in the moment, but in the long run, you know, when something comes up again and and you you have to tell them no. Oh, y'all don't never do nothing for me. Every time I come around and ask y'all for some help, y'all got 300,000 questions and you'll never want to do nothing for me. You sound like a fool. Let's just let's just keep it real. You sound like a fool. You're unappreciative. Unappreciative. That's that's the first characteristic that you need to be. You need to be, cognizant of. The second one is they're willfully ignorant. They're not willfully ignorant. They're not ignorant because you know, they got a mental, a mental disability. They're willfully ignorant because they choose to be willfully ignorant. They choose to be ignorant. They choose not to learn. They choose not to learn from their mistakes. They choose this and I don't care how much talking, how much training, how much teaching, how much preaching you do to a willfully ignorant person, you're never going to affect them until they decide, you know what? I'm tired of being dumb. I'm tired of making dumb choices. I'm tired of making stupid decisions. You're never going to be able to affect them until they decide, you know what? I'm too big to be this ignorant. I know that's hard. I know that's hard, but it's fair. It's tight, but it's right. The second the third characteristic. Oh, they're proud. Oh, they so proud. Oh, oh, ain't nobody ever did this for me. I did that on my own. Y'all ain't helped me. Proud. I ain't asking I ain't asking you for no help. I ain't never asking him again for nothing. Stiff neck. Proud. Not only that aspect of it, but so proud that they are unwilling to change. Just proud. Next characteristic, argumentative. Oh, everything becomes an argument. Hey, didn't I just, tell you about that grant program? Did you apply for it? No. Ain't nobody got time for all that. They won't they wanna know too much. They and so on and so forth, man. Just just say you didn't want to do it. So just say, you know what you did tell me, but I was too lazy to doggone do it. Instead of turning everything into an argument, you turned the truth into an argument. What kind of foolishness is this? You turn a simple inquiry into an argument. What you trying to say? What? What? You mean? Uh-uh. Don't be uh-uh. You you you know who I'm talking about. Not you. Not you. Might be your cousin or or or your next donate. It it might be something else. I ain't talking about y'all. I'm I'm talking about folk that you you might know. You might know. Everything is argumentative. Everything becomes argumentative. Hateful individuals. Hateful mindsets. Envious. Hateful. Jealous. Yeah. These are all characteristics of a swine mentality and you gotta be careful not to put your valuables before these people. Gotta be careful. Gotta be careful. So we have unappreciative, willfully ignorant, proud. And we're not talking about, you know, have some proud have some pride about yourself, you know, carry yourself well. No. We're not talking about that pride. That that kind of pride. We're talking about proud. Can't nobody tell you nothing. You are right when you're wrong. And even when you're wrong, I'm gonna act like I'm right. That kind of proud. Argumentative. Hateful. Hateful. And I don't I don't need to expound on what hateful is. Hateful is just hateful. Ain't no ain't no varying degrees of hatefulness. It's just hateful. And and you know it when you see it. So why do we, as individuals, give our valuables to swine? Why? Why do we do this? Why do we do this? I see one person on. I see one person on. Give me an answer to that one person that's on. Why do we give our valuables to swine minded people? Why do we do this? I I I really want to hear or read your comments on this. Why? Why? Why? Why? Why? Do I give my valuables to a swine minded individual? Even though I know they don't appreciate it. Yeah. I know they don't appreciate it. I know this joker, as soon as they get what they can get out of me, they gonna go and scandalize my name. They're gonna go and talk about me like a dog to their buddies and to their their colleagues and all this other stuff. I know that just as sure as I give this person this money today, they're gonna be back in two to three weeks asking me for something else. I know that. I know that. I know that for certain. Okay. Melba says, thinking they'll change could be relationship with the person and my loyalty to them. I absolutely agree with that. I absolutely agree with that. I had a situation once where I knew this joker. I knew this joker. I knew this joker would, nine times out of 10, do the wrong thing with the resources that I gave. You know? And I gave that joker an opportunity. I gave that I gave that joker an opportunity to prove me wrong one last time. And that joker proved me right. That joker proved me so right, y'all. He proved me so right, man. I it was like that joker told me. You gonna learn today. You You gonna learn today. About giving me a second chance. That's that that was that was that was that was that was that was that was what that joker was telling me by his actions. And you know what I said? Alright. Alright. Alright. I got it. I got the lesson. I I got the revelation. I got the revelation. I came home, and I told my wife. I said Look. Look. Look. Look. Look. Look. Look. Look. Look. Look. Look. Look. Look. Look. Look. Look. Look. Look at this. Somebody come look at this. Look at this. Look at this mess. Look at this. Look at this. Just look at this mess. And, and, and, and, and, and, and Regina. You're absolutely right. You're absolutely right. It's because of those relationships that, Oh Lord, thank you for giving this to me. It's because of the one-sided relationships that we're in with these individuals. That is why we continue to give our valuables to them. This is not a reciprocal relationship. This is a give and take relationship with me being on the given end and them on the taking end. And because I've always come through, they keep coming back. And then when I turned the faucet off, When I cut the strings, night bite spit. Yeah. I I I I ain't, man. I ain't no good. You know? I, I stink. Oh, all kind of stuff, man. I I I become the bad guy. I become the bad guy after years and years and years of being the guy who gave you another opportunity to prove me wrong. But what you do is continue to prove me right. Yeah. So, thank you Melba, Regina Smith for your your comment. Let's let's let's move on a little bit further. Let's move on a little bit further in this. And let's answer these questions. Let's answer these questions. Just like, just like, Melba, alluded to it's because of our love for the person or our passion, our passion to help people in need, who we, who we, who we think are in need. Right? I'm a people guy. I'm a people guy. I am. I I hate to see people hurting. Hate to see people hurting. True story. True story. I I I moved to Texas in February. Yeah, in February. Two thousand '1, '2 thousand, somewhere around that way. I I moved to Texas two thousand, two thousand one. And I left my hometown, my home area of the, Coushatta, Natchitoches area. Right? Louisiana. And when I got here, man, I would call back home just checking on people who were still there, man. Always calling. Always calling. I would go home on the weekends, man, just to just to hang out with these people, just to see them, you know, just to catch up with them, to make sure that the connection is still there. But then I realized one day, man, these jokers don't ever call me. And when I asked these jokers to come see me, oh, you know, that's too far or these jokers have come right to Austin and wouldn't even pick up the phone to say, Hey, yo, we in Austin, man, if you want to come up and hang out, that ain't about a thirty minute drive for me. You know? But you didn't you didn't think enough about me to even include me in your thought process. I just said something right there. You didn't think enough of me to even think of me. But on the other side, on the flip side of this, I'm making five hour trips. I'm I'm I'm burning up the phone lines. I'm doing all this stuff, trying to keep that connection between you and I. And the whole time, this is a one-sided relationship. But because of my love for you, I did it until I caught that revelation. So love and your passion are reasons that we continue to give our valuables to to people. Yeah. We feel like it's our duty sometimes. We feel like it's our duty to make sure that, you know what? This joke is taken care of, man. Somebody somebody gotta help this boy. Somebody gotta help this girl. Oh, she ain't got nobody else. We feel like it's our duty. But the truth of the matter is it's not our assignment. There's a difference. There's a difference. It's one thing to be assigned to a person for a season. It's another thing to make yourself duty fully responsible or obligated to a person. Oh, I just said something. If I'm assigned, okay. But if I'm making my duty, yeah, that's a problem from the jump. That's a problem from the jump if I make it my duty. Yeah. Yeah. So sometimes due to the love that we have for the people or due to the passion that we have for the certain situation or or trying to help people in certain situations, we feel like it's our duty to give our valuables to them, to give our wisdom to them, to give our our our finances to them, to give our our our listening ear to them, to give our time to these people. We feel like it's our duty because of our love and our passion. Hey. We get sometimes, man, you can see a joker headed to a certain destination, a known destination, and you're trying to prevent that joker from getting them. True story. I was a peace officer here in in the city of Harker Heights, and there was this kid, man. There's this kid. I I met him when he was in the ninth grade, and I could see that that kid was headed to one of three places. I could see him headed to one of three places. The hospital, jail, or the grave. And, it brings me no joy to tell you that I watched him go to the hospital, I watched him go to jail, and I read about him going to the grave. That is a hard, hard, hard, hard pill to swallow. When you are constantly trying to give your valuables to these persons who don't care nothing about what you're talking about, who don't care nothing about your passion to try to see them prosper and see them go in a different direction. That's a true story. I watched this young man. I interview I I engaged with this young man and his grandparents. I engaged with this young man and his grandparents, guys. I'm a say it again. I engaged with this young man and his grandparents, finding solutions, things that might've helped him get off the path that he was on. And nobody cared to act on the information that I was giving them. Nobody cared to say, hey. We gotta do something different. You know, their love and their passion was one of the things that prevented them for doing what was necessary. Now they wanted to shelter this joker from the possible outcomes and what you ended up doing. And I'm I'm I'm I promise you, I'm not saying this to be cruel. It's just the truth. What you ended up doing is you you ended up cosigning on that behavior, and it progressively got worse and worse. So we give these valuables away because we can see the destination that that person's headed and we won't, we won't, we want to try to help them avoid that at all possible. Now I, I, sometimes I just want to prove that I'm right. I want to prove that. I want to prove to you that I know what I'm talking about and you should listen to me. I don't, I don't think I need to expound on that, any further. You know, me just knowing I'm right should be enough. Me being right. Doesn't, it does not. Me being right. Doesn't, doesn't, doesn't, doesn't necessarily make you have to listen to what I'm saying. Me being right. Doesn't change the fact that I'm right because you don't listen or that you do listen. I, you know what? It doesn't, it doesn't, it doesn't really, it doesn't really matter whether you listen to it or not. As long as I know that I'm right and that the intentions of my heart are right and that they're pure. No. Whether you listen to it or not, man, that's on you. But a lot of times we gotta prove it. I'm a make you. I'm a make you see it. I'm a make you understand. I tell kids what's ahead of them rarely change much. I agree with you. I agree with you. I agree with you, brother. I agree with you. Love plus passion equals pride. You're absolutely right, guy. You're absolutely right. You're absolutely right. Thank you for your comments. So, love. We feel like it's our duty. We've not been assigned, but we feel like it's our duty. We we can see where they're headed. We want them to avoid that that consequence, And we want to prove that we're right. And the next step, the next one, the next, the next area is sometimes we just want to be accepted. We want to be sometimes we just want to be accepted. And and this is real prevalent with our kids nowadays, man. I I I I'm in the school district now. Clean ISD. I'm in the school district now, man. I see good kids. I see good kids. Go against what they've been taught at home. Go against what their their guardians and parents expectations are. Just to fit in. Just to be accepted by a knucklehead who can't read. A knucklehead who can't, who can't do simple math. You want to be accepted by this knucklehead or by a group of knuckleheads other than just being who you are. And not to just be on the kids. We do it. We do it too as adults. We do it too as adults. We we carry on in conversations at work that we ain't got no business carrying on in because we wanna be accepted. We don't wanna be the odd ball. We we we don't we we don't wanna be we don't wanna be that person that they'd be like, I would invite them, but, you know, we yeah. You know how I go. You know? We all at some at at at at various levels want to be accepted, but it shouldn't come at at at the cost of giving our values, casting our pearls before swine. It shouldn't come at that cost. And then sometimes we do it because we want to be admired. We want admiration. We want people to look at us and say, oh, we can go to him because he's he he knows what he's talking about. He helped he helped he helped, Bojangle. He helped he helped Pojo. You know, he told Pojo how to do that and and Pojo find a list and Pojo got it right. And let's go see him or her. We want we want that admiration sometime. We we're we're vain enough. Well, let me not say we. Me. I'm I'm I'm I'm absolutely vain enough. I have enough vanity in me where if somebody or some people were to come to me and say, hey, man, you really helped me with that information that you gave me. I appreciate it. I'm vain enough. I'm vain enough to want more of that admiration. It could become a drug. You know, it could become it could become, hey, Ron. That you it could become like it could become a drug if we're not careful. But no, no amount of admiration should we, should we sacrifice our pearls before swine? Now what's the solution? What's the solution guys? What's the solution? We got about fifteen minutes to go. What's the solution? What is the solution? Well, this is what I surmise. Get out of them folks face. Get out of them folks face. Bro. If they don't wanna listen to to wisdom and truth, get out them folks face. Stop talking to them. Stop talking to them. Stop trying to to get blood out of eternal. Stop trying. Stop trying to do that. Because you know what? All you're gonna end up doing is frustrating yourself. That's what you're gonna do. You're gonna end up frustrating yourself. And you know what? Surprise. Surprise. When no folks do the exact same thing that had you frustrated the last time. You know? I read a I read a Facebook thing. I read a Facebook post. My home girl, Tamika Tamika posted it. She said, Tamika from Anchorage. She she said, instead of, crying about how them people treat you, get out of them people face. Yeah. Instead of complaining about you don't never listen. If you had done this, I tried to tell you. Uh-huh. Stop talking and get out of them people face. That's that's that's that's part of the solution. The second part of the solution is know your worth. Yeah, man. Know your worth. Know that what you're saying is true, is accurate, and it has worked. It will work if they're willing to hear it. And I'm not willing to say it 18,000 times before you give it a try. So I'm gonna get out your face. I'm gonna get out your face after giving you the information that can help you become better because I know my worth. I know the worst of what's coming out of my mouth. I've tried it. I've I put it to the test. It's worked. And if you don't want that, oh, well, I know my worth. I know the worth of what I'm doing, and I'm not gonna give these pearls to you no more. I'm finna get out your face, and you gone over there and and and deal how you deal. We gotta live out of what we know, guys. And what I mean by that, sometimes, sometimes, we gotta live it. We gotta live it in front of these folk before they can be able to receive it. You know, I I can sit here and and and tell somebody all day, all day, all night. Right? That God is good. His mercy is everlasting. His truth endures to all generations. I could I could tell you that all day and all night, man. But as soon as a problem come up in my life, I'm like, oh, I don't know what I'm gonna do. And all this crying and carrying on and pity party and all this stuff. That is a contradiction of what I say. My behavior can't contradict what I'm saying. So I gotta live out of what I know. Right? I can't, I can't tell you not to steal and then a ride break out and I'm out here taking air Jordan tennis shoes out of Footlocker with you. I can't, I can't tell you not to stay as hypocritical. Is it not? And nobody wants to. Nobody respects a hypocrite. Hypocrite don't even respect hypocrites. So I gotta live out of what I know. I gotta live out of what I know because contrary to popular opinion, man, the closest church, the closest some people are ever going to get to church and ever going to get to Christ is the Christ that they see in you and the church that you represent. And I'm not talking about a building. I'm talking about the concept of church, who the church is, what the church is supposed to do. You are the only person. You are the closest thing that a lot of people are ever gonna get to that. So we gotta live out of what we know. We got to. We gotta live out of what we know. And and on a practical sense, since some of y'all y'all y'all really don't like to talk about church and God. So let me let me put it in a practical sense. I can't, I can't, I can't, I can't, I can't tell you not to eat Twinkies and cookies and cook cakes and, and, and, and, and bear claws and all this other stuff. Right? When I'm stuffing my face with them. I can't tell you, you need to go to the gym and, and do this and do that when I won't go to the gym and do it. If I'm going to be about a healthy lifestyle, I gotta live out of what I know about being healthy and I gotta live it in front of you and I gotta live it outside out of your view as well. I gotta do that. I gotta live out of what I know. I gotta live out of what I profess. I cannot be hypocritical about, about this thing at all. I gotta set boundaries as well. Guys, this is part of the solution. We got to set boundaries. You know, when we say this is the last time that needs to be the last time when we say don't, Hey, don't come. Don't don't, don't do that no more. Don't don't don't come over here with that. With that foolishness. No more. We got the mean don't come over here with that foolishness no more. W w when you say, Hey, hey, cause my shoot, man, I don't know what to tell you, man. Now y'all know what that mean. Y'all y'all know what that mean out there in in in streaming land. When when when when when we say, man, I don't know what to tell you, man. That's basically, you know what I told you he won't listen. So, you know, don't even, don't even come over here with that. Cause I ain't interested in hearing it. I didn't gave you the answer. I didn't gave you a solution. You need to execute it. So we need to set boundaries. We cannot continue to allow people to come in and just make us their trash can. No. We gotta set boundaries. I don't wanna hear it. This is the last time I told you the last time was the last time. I don't even know why you in my face. It goes back to that first one. Get out of them people face. So not only do we have to set boundaries, guys, we got to enforce those boundaries that we set. We got to, we got to be stern. We don't have to be mean. You don't have to be nasty, but you do need to be stern. You need to be stern. We need to be stern with the boundaries that we've set with the swine mentality people that we're having to deal with. You gotta be. We have to be. And we gotta understand that we can't help everyone. Everybody can't get help. Everybody, we're we're not gonna be able to help everybody because we're not assigned to everybody. We're not gonna be able to help everybody because everybody ain't gonna listen. It's Black History Month, so let me tell you what. Let me tell you what our girl said. She said, I could have freed hundreds more if they didn't have a slave mentality. That's what that's what sister Harriet said. I paraphrase that a little bit, but that's what sister Harriet said. I I could've freed. I could've helped free hundreds more if they didn't have a slave mentality. You can't help everybody. I can't help everybody. I am not assigned to everybody. You are not assigned to everybody. Protect your peace, people. At all costs. By any means necessary. Protect your peace. That's why you have to get out of them people face. That's why you have to understand you can't help everybody. That's why you have to set boundaries and enforce boundaries because you gotta protect your peace. I'll be doggone if I'm gonna be up at night worrying about your situation. And I didn't gave you, I didn't gave you the tools to rectify your situation, to make your situation better, and you won't do nothing. I'll be Jim Brown. If I'm gonna be up at night, worried about what you got going on because you don't wanna listen and you ain't got the fortitude to apply yourself to doing what's been put before you to do, to execute. We gotta protect our peace, guys. I don't care if it's your family members. I don't care if it's your next door neighbors, your church members, your your coworkers, your kids, even. You got to protect your peace. Because you gotta understand, you're limited in what you can do, especially if you're not assigned. You are limited in what you can do. But you can protect your peace at all times. And if you're gonna help somebody, make sure that you're led to help. Make sure that you are led led to help. Not because oh, that's so sad. My heart goes out to him. No. Not because of that. Because you are led to help. Right here in Killeen, man. There's a there's a homeless guy, man. He'd be on the corner of WS Young and Business 190 right before you get to the mall. He'd be out there holding a bible. He'd be out there holding a bible. And, he, I saw somebody. I saw somebody bring him, a meal. And that dude turned around and cussed him people out. I ain't want no god ditty dang dong. Samich, I need some money. Get your mammy monkey, mookie, muck, muck, muck, and I'm sitting here watching this. And I'm like, when did homeless people become choosy? Lesson learned. Be led to help. Be led to help. Be led to help. Man, I hope, I hope, I hope you guys found this, found this this session tonight. You found it very, very, useful. I hope that you, found that it was very practical and that it was, it was worthwhile. This was a this is a hour well spent. Again, thank you guys who big back in this this child here. Big back. Big back energy. Girl, if you don't sit down somewhere, big back energy. Choking you. But listen, man. I'm I'm hoping that this information was helpful. I'm hoping it was very practical. I'm hoping that, you know, it opens your eyes to a lot of the stuff that we're dealing with that we don't necessarily have to deal with. You know? I hope that you realize that what you have to offer is very important. It's very valuable, and you cannot afford to cast it among people with swine mentalities because they don't care. They don't care. They will use you and abuse you, and as soon as they can't get anything up out of you, they never knew you. Used to be my home, and now you act like you don't know me. You know what I'm saying? It's how the hip hop works. That's how the that's how the song go. You know? You know, you got some frenemies for you for you essential discourse podcast listeners. You got some frenemies. You know, they they pose as friends until they can't get what they want out of you. Yeah. So I'm hoping I'm hoping that you enjoyed this episode. I'm hoping that you'll spread the word about this, nightcap. We're we're here every Saturday. Every Saturday. Every

Saturday at 07:

30 Central Standard Time. So

that's 08:

00 in the East Coast. I don't know what it is in California, so I ain't finna even try to lie to you, but we're here. We're here every Saturday. Every Saturday. Every

Saturday at 07:

30PM. Oh, man. I'm looking forward to the day, man. We'll have hundreds of people on this, the stream, and we can, you know, chop it up, man. Really chop it up and really get after it, and to what the subject matter is at hand. Like I said earlier, I am going to ensure that, these topics that you suggested last week, I'm I'm actively searching for folk who will, come on and be a guest so that they can, speak on the subject matter on their expertise, in regards to the subject matter at hand. Guys, be careful. Be safe. Stay prayed up. Stay vigilant. There's a lot of stuff going on in these divided states of America. There's a lot of stuff going on right here in your neighborhoods. You know? So be careful. School shootings are still happening. Car accidents are still happening because people are not paying attention. You know? People are still evil. People, who need mental health care or refusing to take their meds and, go and seek treatment. You know? We still have people in uniform, whether that be police or nurses or doctors or whatever. We have people in uniforms who do not need to be in the service industry. And so, we gotta stay prayed up. You gotta stay prayed up, and you gotta stay vigilant. Be as wise as a serpent, as gentle as a dove. We have got to be. We've got to be on our p's and q's, and cross our t's and dot our i's. We have got to. And, amongst everything else man, find somebody you can really, really talk things out with. Who's trustworthy. Who won't won't put your business out there in the streets. Alright. Who won't who won't use it against you. Who won't who does not have a does not have a a swine mentality. Yeah. Find you find you somebody that you can talk to and you can talk these things out with. And again, as we leave, you know, I'd appreciate it. I'd appreciate it greatly. Tremendously. If you enjoy the content that I provide, you know, you can, support the podcast by buying me a coffee. Buying me a coffee. Buying me a Starbucks coffee. Every dollar, every dime, every penny, every nickel, every quarter goes right back into the podcast to make it better. Hey. That's our time, guys. I'm 34, 30 five and counting seconds over. I wanna thank you guys for being on. I'm hoping that, the matters that we talked about tonight will be, matters that you talk about tomorrow and into next Saturday. Share this podcast episode with any and everyone whom you think would benefit from hearing this.